
What is a Lowballed Claim? The Ultimate Guide

After a natural disaster hits, leaving your property in shambles, one of the first steps of getting everything back to normal is usually to reach out to your insurance company. Regardless of how prone the area is to extreme weather conditions, the majority of property owners choose to protect themselves with an insurance policy, in case something like this ever happens. While it might seem like your insurer is on your side, there is always the possibility of experiencing a lowballed claim if you are not careful.

The truth of the matter is that insurance companies are not looking out for your best interest. As a business, they need to pay as little as possible to maximize the profits on their end. Therefore, if you put your trust into their hands when it comes to your final settlement check, you could get the short end of the stick, and you won’t notice until it’s too late. 

How Do I Know If My Claim Has Been Lowballed?

A lowballed claim is essentially a settlement offer from the insurance company that is less than ideal. When a disaster strikes your property and belongings are damaged or destroyed, your policy is supposed to cover any necessary repairs or replacements. 

When you pay an insurance premium every month, you are expecting your insurance company to put all of the pieces back together so you can continue your life as it was. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case in reality. Instead, they will try to pay the absolute bare minimum to put a band-aid on the damages, if anything at all. 

Before going into the insurance claims process all on your own, it is important to be aware of some of the strategies that insurance companies use on property owners who are not familiar with the ins and outs of the business. This way, you will be able to avoid any potential schemes that they have in their back pocket to avoid paying you exactly what you deserve.

How Will Insurance Companies Try To Lowball Me?

Although insurance companies are generally regarded as helpful when you are paying them a monthly premium, you will learn that they have other motives when it comes time to pay you your settlement. Luckily, there are some age-old tactics used by these companies that are easy to catch on to when you know what you are talking about. Below are some of the proven strategies that your insurer might use to pay a lower amount than what is necessary to repair your life. 

Failure to Provide a Fair Assessment 

The first trick that insurance companies use to lowball property owners is failing to assess the entire scene. When your property suffers any kind of damage from fire, water, or other means of extreme weather, the insurance company’s adjuster is expected to walk through the premises and record everything wrong. From there, they will be able to come to a number that is sufficient for repairing all of the damages that the property has experienced. However, this process rarely works so seamlessly. 

Instead, the company adjuster will most likely try to walk through and leave out a lot of the damages. For instance, if your property was just wiped out by a hurricane and part of the roof came off with it, the insurance company might let you know that they can fix the exterior and patch up the ceiling inside as well. While this might sound ideal to the average property owner with no experience in insurance or contracting, the insurance company would be getting over on you in this instance. Without the professional opinion of a licensed contractor, there will be no way of knowing the extent of the actual damage. 

In actuality, you could accept the check from the insurance company and later find out that the inside of your walls has mold and mildew damage. Once the claim is closed, there will be no way for you to backtrack and try to get more money from your insurer. Insurance companies know this and will leave things out wherever they can if they are not immediately visible to the property owner. 

Waving a Check In Your Face

When insurance companies give lowball offers, they are trying to get the claim closed out as soon as possible and move on to the next one. As a result, these offers can frequently come with a bit of pressure, especially if they see an opportunity to be dishonest with an inexperienced property owner. 

The first step of this strategy is to offer you a number that is almost insulting, and even lower than the low offer they have in mind. When you refuse the amount or try to negotiate, the company adjuster might offer to have a professional come through and give you a more detailed quote. 

This professional is usually hired by the insurance company and has already agreed to give a specific number at the end of the walkthrough. Therefore, you will find that the contractor’s offer is much lower than the first one you received, making it look much more attractive than before. 

Thinking this is your only option, you might decide to go with the highest settlement it seems you will be able to receive. Insurance companies will take advantage of this and apply more pressure by letting you know that they will give you the money on the spot, essentially just waving the check in your face. 

As a property owner in a state of desperation, the insurance companies know that the check is very likely to be accepted in your time of need, which is exactly how they will be able to lowball your settlement. 

Leaving Out Damaged Areas 

The classic insurance company scams do not stop at the initial assessment phase. In addition to purposefully trying to leave out certain damages to avoid paying for them, they will not necessarily make sure that everything is restored to tip-top shape. 

As an example, think about a living room fireplace that gets wiped out by a natural disaster. The insurance company might offer to repair it completely, leaving out the cracks in the ceiling above it that were also a result of the original damage. 

How Can A Lowballed Claim Affect My Repairs?

Aside from the more obvious struggle of getting less money than you expected from your insurance company, a lowballed claim can affect your repair efforts in a big way. 

It’s hard enough to get your life back on track after a natural disaster as it is, but the usual insurance company gimmicks can make it a lot more difficult on you when it comes to repairs. Below are the bumps in the road that you can experience as a result. 

Complications With Contractors 

When insurance companies agree to pay for repairs, they will indicate what exactly is going to be done within your property. One of the tactics that they use to lowball property owners is to write up an unrealistic scope of work. 

In other words, they will try to describe a service that is not performed by the indicated professional who is expected to complete the task. As a result, you will be left to find someone else on your own who will agree to do the job as promised. 

This is something that insurance companies use to make their offer look attractive when it is very unrealistic. As the property owner, don’t fall for this common method that will leave you with the short end of the stick. 

As previously explained, insurance companies will regularly describe an unrealistic scope of work, leaving you to pick up the pieces behind them. Even further, if the indicated professional is not able to complete the full repair for any reason, it is safe to say that you will have trouble finding someone legitimate to take their place. 

By getting over on you with a lowball offer, the insurance company can force you to hire cheap labor that will fit into the budget they have given you. At this point, you will either have to deal with unqualified individuals who are not licensed or come out of your pocket to get what you need. 

Bare Minimum Repairs 

When the insurance company offers to do a complete repair on your property damages, you should be wary of how they will go forth with the process. While it is true that they can bring you a proposal that sounds attractive, it is more than likely that they will not do the best they can to get your property and life back to normal. 

For instance, if you experience chipping on one of the exterior walls of your property, the insurance company might include repainting of the outside. However, they will not go above and beyond to cover the entire house, making sure that the color even matches. Instead, they might complete one coat of paint on the damaged wall only and leave you with the obvious cosmetic differences. 

Additional Permit Costs 

When it comes to property damage claims and repairs, there are additional permit costs associated with the action of putting everything back together. When the insurance company gives you a settlement offer, they usually will not account for these extra expenses. 

At the point where the check has been cashed, and repairs have begun, you will be stuck to pay for these permits with your own money. Needless to say, this can add up over time, especially when you have not received everything you were entitled to from your insurance company. 

Hire a Public Adjuster For a Higher Settlement!

The majority of property owners that go through the claims process alone will experience a lowballed settlement with no way to get around it. This is mainly due to the fact that they are not knowledgeable on the ins and outs of the business, as well as what their policy covers. 

When you have no idea what your coverage is, as well as your general rights as a property owner, it is easier than ever for the insurance company to run circles around you, offering a lowballed claim check that is not sufficient for even half of the damages that you have been left with. 

Fortunately, there is an advantage that you can keep in your back pocket to avoid the headache all together: a public adjuster. Public adjusters are appointed to take care of the entire insurance claims process for you. 

Think of a public adjuster like a good attorney, they are always on your side, fighting for you to make sure that you get everything that you are entitled to. When you hire a public adjuster to handle this process for you, they will walk through your property and take an accurate inventory of your assets and any damages that have occurred to lessen the likelihood of being the recipient of a lowballed claim. 

Trust Your Large Loss Adjuster to Negotiate For a Higher Settlement!

Instead of relying on the insurance company to calculate a fair settlement offer, you can have someone in your corner who will make sure that everything goes smoothly. As the property owner, it is not expected for you to know exactly what is covered in your insurance policy, let alone the loopholes that insurance companies use to their advantage during the fight for a check. 

Your Large Loss Adjuster has over ten years of experience in the field. Our adjusters are property owners as well, people who know what it’s like to deal with insurance companies over property damage. We’re practiced in making sure that property owners get the largest possible settlement from their insurance companies. If you have property damage and loss as a result of a natural disaster or other incident and you’ve received a lowballed claim settlement by your insurance company, reach out today to find out how we can help you!

Related: What is the Difference Between Denied and Partially Denied Claims?

What Do I Do If I Don’t Like The Insurance Company’s Initial Payout?

Accidents happen, and property damage is an unfortunate reality of life. Whether it’s due to a hurricane or another unexpected event, the costs of repairs can be overwhelming. To help cover these costs, many turn to their insurance policy in hopes that they will receive a fair settlement. However, this isn’t always the case. If you are unhappy with the insurance company’s initial payout after experiencing property damage, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of getting a higher settlement. So, what do you do if you don’t like the insurance company’s initial payout?

Assess Damages and Gather Documentation

If you’ve recently experienced damage to your property and filed a claim, you may be disappointed with the insurance company’s initial payout. But don’t give up hope, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of a higher payout.

The first step is to thoroughly assess the damage and gather as much documentation as possible. This means inspecting every nook and cranny of your property, both inside and outside, and taking detailed photos and videos. You should also consider obtaining estimates from professionals on the cost of repairs, as well as keeping receipts for any emergency services or temporary repairs that you’ve had to pay for out of pocket. We recommend going into each and every room and creating a different log of what was damaged for each one.

When making your claim, be sure to include all relevant damages, even if you think they may not be covered or not worth including. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and be thorough in your documentation.

By taking these steps and gathering as much evidence as you can, you will be in a much better position to negotiate a higher payout from your insurance company. Don’t let a lower payout keep you from getting the full compensation you deserve for your property damage.

Review Your Policy Coverage

It is crucial to be familiar with the details of your insurance policy. In the event of property damage, it is not uncommon to be disappointed with the initial payout from your insurance company. To avoid this, it is essential to review your policy regularly to ensure you understand the extent of coverage and the limits of your policy.

When it comes to water or flood damage, it is imperative to be aware of any exclusions in your policy. In some cases, these damages may not be covered and you may have to seek compensation from other sources. To avoid any confusion or disappointment, it is wise to review your policy and understand what is covered and what is not.

If you feel that your insurance company is not treating you fairly, it may be necessary to seek the help of a public adjuster. Public adjusters are professionals who specialize in navigating the claims process and can help you get the compensation you deserve. They understand the insurance industry and can provide you with the knowledge and guidance you need to get the best possible outcome.

Get In Touch With Your Insurance Company

It’s normal to feel frustrated when the initial insurance payout after a property damage incident doesn’t meet your expectations. The claim filing process can be confusing and intimidating, especially if you’re not familiar with the policy or the process. However, it’s crucial for policy owners to take the initiative and reach out to the insurance company to voice their concerns.

The insurance company may not be aware of the extent of the damage or the property owner’s dissatisfaction. By communicating with the company and providing more information, property owners can help make sure their claim is evaluated properly. This includes ensuring they receive a fair settlement. It’s important to be persistent and keep following up with the insurance company until the claim is resolved.

This may require multiple phone calls, emails, or even the assistance of a mediator. Insurance company has a legal obligation to fairly and promptly compensate property owners for covered damages. Property owners have the right to pursue their claim if they feel they’re not being treated fairly.

Negotiate the Insurance Company’s Initial Payout

Experiencing property damage can be an emotionally and financially draining experience. It is not uncommon for property owners to feel dissatisfied with the initial payout offered by their insurance company, especially if the cost of repairs exceeds the amount initially offered. However, property owners have the right to negotiate their payout and potentially increase the amount they receive.

One effective way to increase your payout is by providing evidence of the damages and their costs. This can include photos, receipts, and estimates from contractors or repair professionals. These documents help the insurance company understand the extent of the damages and the costs of repair or replacement.

Another strategy to consider is using your policy coverage as leverage. Make sure to review your policy and understand what is covered and what is not. If the damages are covered by your policy, use this information as a negotiating point with the insurance company. If you feel that you are not making progress in negotiations, consider seeking outside help from a public adjuster.

These professionals can assist in negotiations and help you get the payout you deserve. Remember, negotiating the initial payout offered by your insurance company is your right. By presenting evidence of damages, citing policy coverage, and seeking outside help, you can increase your chances of receiving a fair payout for your property damage claim.

Seek Help From Your Large Loss Adjuster to Assess the Insurance Company’s Initial Payout!

Experiencing property damage can be a traumatic experience, and it becomes even more frustrating when you don’t receive the payout you deserve from your insurance company. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. You have options and help is just a phone call away.

Consider hiring a public adjuster to represent you and help you get the settlement you deserve. Public adjusters are professionals who specialize in negotiating insurance claims on behalf of policyholders. They are well-versed in the claim process and have the experience and knowledge to help you get the best possible outcome.

Your Large Loss Adjuster is here to help you through this difficult time. Our team of public adjusters are ready to assist you in assessing the damages. They will review insurance policies and negotiate with insurance companies. We understand the stress and frustration that comes with property damage and insurance claims, and we are here to help you every step of the way.

If you have experienced property damage, don’t hesitate to reach out to Your Large Loss Adjuster. Our disaster experts are available 24/7 to schedule an inspection and assist you in getting the payout you deserve. Contact us today at 800-806-3044 to schedule an appointment.

Related: Navigating the Aftermath of Disaster: What to Do When your Property is Too Damaged to Be Inside

How Do I File A Property Insurance Claim?

Every year, around one in every twenty property owners, file a  property damage claim. Damages range from fire due to incidents in the kitchen to roofs dealing with hurricane damage and issues from cast iron pipe leaks in older properties. Property damage is a normal part of owning a property, and so is filing a claim with your insurance company.

However, most people don’t know where to start when filing a claim with their insurance company, and that’s where a public adjuster comes in!

Let’s talk about the ins and outs of filing a property insurance claim for property damage and how having a public adjuster on your side can save you time and help you get the largest possible settlement on your claim.

The steps for filing a claim if you’re doing it on your own:

1. Locate the phone number of your insurance company’s claim department. This can be found on the declarations page of your policy. Most states actually require this, but if yours doesn’t… there’s always the internet!

2. Explain the cause of loss. Your policy only covers damage caused by a covered cause of loss. One example is in the case of water damage, where just telling your insurer that water is covering your floor from a leak isn’t enough. You have to also locate the actual source of the leak. Anything else may receive a denial outright.

3. Determine the date of when the loss occurred. Here’s where taking photo or video documentation comes in handy. Having the date is necessary because it shows whether or not your loss happened under your current policy year or the previous one. (And if you’ve switched insurance policies, you’d need to file the claim with your previous company.)

4. Your insurance company may ask you what you’ve done about your cause of loss. This becomes about your obligations under the insurance policy and can cost you your claim. If you had a leaking pipe, did you turn off your water? Did you call a plumber?

5. You’ll need to provide evidence of the problem and that it was fixed or managed in some way. This means receipts from a plumber or other contractors and/or the thing that was damaged.

6. Meet with an insurance adjuster – who may be assigned to you but ultimately works for the insurance company – for an inspection.

7. You’ll submit a list of damaged or destroyed items to your insurance company along with their value. You’ll also want to submit estimates about what has to be repaired.

8. You have to stay in regular contact with your insurance company as you wait to hear back on the results of your claim.

What happens after the claim is filed?

You may think that once you file a claim, the insurance company will take care of everything, and you’ll be back to normal in no time. Unfortunately, that’s often not the case. In fact, the process of dealing with an insurance company after filing a claim can be downright frustrating.

It can be nearly impossible to get in touch with someone from the insurance company. You may have to leave multiple voicemails, send multiple emails, and wait on hold for what feels like an eternity just to speak to someone. And when you do finally get through, you may find that the person you’re speaking with is less than helpful. They may ask for more information or documentation, which can take weeks or even months to gather. And even after you’ve provided everything they’ve asked for, they may still take a long time to make a decision on your claim.

When they do finally make a decision, it may not be in your favor. They may deny your claim outright, or they may offer you a settlement that is significantly less than what you need to cover the damage to your property. This can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening, especially when you’ve paid your insurance premiums for years.

How can a public adjuster help save you time and energy?

When filing a property damage claim, it can be overwhelming to navigate the process on your own. Hiring a public adjuster can save you both time and money in the long run.

A public adjuster is an expert in the field of property insurance claims.

They understand the ins and outs of the claims process and can help you navigate the often complex and confusing paperwork and documentation required. This can save you a significant amount of time and energy, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your life.

A public adjuster will work on your behalf to ensure that you receive a fair and just settlement for your claim.

They will thoroughly review your policy and assess the damage to your property, working with experts such as engineers and contractors to estimate the cost of repairs. This means that you can have confidence that you are receiving the maximum payout possible for your claim.

A public adjuster will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.

They will advocate for you to ensure that your claim is handled in a timely and efficient manner. This can save you a lot of stress and frustration, as well as potentially increase the amount of your settlement.

A public adjuster will handle all the communication with the insurance company, so you don’t have to.

This can save you a significant amount of time and energy, as well as take the pressure off you during an already stressful time.

If you’ve recently experienced property damage and are filing a property insurance claim, it’s important to understand that insurance companies are in the business of making money. They are not necessarily on your side and may not have your best interests in mind.

Unlike insurance adjusters, who work for the insurance company, public adjusters are independent and have no vested interest in lowballing your claim. They will thoroughly review your policy and assess the damage to your property, working with experts such as engineers and contractors to estimate the cost of repairs.

When you notice that you have damage – or when you suspect that you have a property insurance claim in the making – give Your Large Loss Adjuster a call! 

Here’s where Your Large Loss Adjuster makes it easy for property owners

First, our adjuster will inspect your property and review your insurance policy. The goal of the initial inspection is to decide what kind of claim you have and how we can help. 

Once our adjuster determines if they can assist with the claim, they’ll then scope the property and provide our claims processing team with photographs and measurements of the damages. Our team will then file the claim on your behalf complete with full details regarding your damages.  

Imagine trying to call five different companies to get estimates for all of the damage on various parts of your property. If you don’t know exactly what damage you have, you might miss out on a specific type of damage and then, without an estimate, lose out on other areas that may be covered.

Our team will keep you informed, schedule any inspections with the insurance company’s adjuster according to your schedule, and make sure that communication with your insurance company is consistent and ongoing.

Reach out to Your Large Loss Adjuster at 800-806-3044, or contact us online! Our local and experienced adjusters will come out to do a RISK-FREE inspection and policy review so that you’ll know what the best option is for your claim.

We make sure that you know everything that you’ll need to keep your family organized and safe in the time before, during, and after a storm hits!

Related: Top 4 Tips for Reaching Your Insurance Company

The 3 Best Strategies for Connecting with Your Insurance Company

As a property owner, it can be incredibly frustrating to try and connect with your insurance company. Whether you’re trying to file a claim, ask a question, or simply update your policy information, it can feel like an impossible task to get in touch with a real person who can help you. But don’t give up just yet! In this blog post, we’ll share the three best strategies for connecting with your insurance company. That way, you can get the help you need when you need it. From understanding the best time to call to find the correct contact information, we’ve got you covered. So, read on to learn how to make the most of your insurance coverage and get the customer service you deserve.

Know the right contact information

Experiencing property damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a fire, or a break-in, the last thing you want to worry about is settling the claims process with your insurance company. One of the most important things you can do in the aftermath of an incident is to connect with your insurance company as quickly as possible. But, to do that, you must first have the right contact information.

Unfortunately, many property owners don’t have the contact information for their insurance company readily available. They may have to dig through old paperwork or search online. All to find the right phone number or email address! This can add even more stress and frustration to an already difficult situation.

But having the correct contact information can make all the difference. When you know how to reach your insurance company, you can file a claim and start the process as soon as possible. This can help ensure that your claim is settled sooner rather than later.

One of the best ways to ensure that you have the right contact information is to take the time to review your insurance policy. Make sure you know the name of your insurance company, the policy number, and the contact information for their customer service department. You should also be aware of any online portals or apps that your company offers for easy access to your policy information and claims.

Another tip is to keep a copy of your insurance policy in a safe place. This can be a fireproof safe or a digital document storage app. This way, you’ll always have the information you need on hand, even in the event of a disaster.

Be prepared with your policy information and be specific about your needs

Being prepared with your policy information and being specific about your needs when communicating with your insurance company can make a huge difference in the outcome of your claim. This can save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run. One of the biggest reasons for this is that you won’t need to call the insurance company back and repeat the process of waiting on hold.

The last thing you want to do is spend hours on hold with your insurance company to get the help you need. By being prepared with your policy information and specific about your needs, you can make the process much smoother and more efficient.

For example, if you have a property owner’s policy that covers damage from a storm, you’ll want to make sure you have all the details of the storm. This includes the date and time it occurred and the type of damage sustained. It also includes any estimates for repairs. This will help your insurance company process your claim more quickly and get you the help you need.

Additionally, it’s important to be specific about your needs when communicating with your insurance company. This means telling them exactly what you need; by being specific, you can ensure that your insurance company is aware of all of your needs and can take the necessary steps to help you.

Remember to keep a call log

From filing the initial claim to following up on its progress, keeping track of every interaction you have with the insurance company is important. One simple yet effective way to do this is by keeping a log of every phone call you make to the insurance company.

By keeping a log, you’ll have a record of the person’s name, phone number, and the date and time when your phone call took place. This information will come in handy if you need to follow up with the insurance company later on. By having the phone number on hand, you can quickly and easily reach out to the person you spoke with previously. And by referring to your notes on the date and time of the call, you can remind them of the conversation you had and any important details discussed.

Creating a log is easy and can be done with a simple notebook or spreadsheet. Simply write down the following information for each phone call:

  • Person’s name
  • Phone number
  • Date of the call
  • Time of the call
  • Notes on the conversation (what was discussed, any important details, etc.)

Seek help from a public adjuster

As a property owner, dealing with property damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. You don’t only have to deal with the physical damage to your property but also the financial burden that comes with it. One of the most important steps you can take in this process is to seek help from a public adjuster.

A public adjuster is a professional who works on behalf of the policyholder. This is to ensure they receive a fair settlement from their insurance company. They have the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complex claims process and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Here are some key reasons why you should consider hiring a public adjuster to help with your insurance claim:

  • A public adjuster is a professional who specializes in insurance claims and has a thorough understanding of the claims process. They can help guide you through the process and ensure that your claim is handled correctly and efficiently.
  • A public adjuster can help you to get the most out of your insurance policy. They know how to properly document and present your claim to the insurance company. This can help to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible.
  • A public adjuster can help you to avoid common mistakes that property owners often make when filing insurance claims. For example, they can help you to avoid undervaluing your damages. This can sometimes result in a lower settlement.
  • A public adjuster can help you to negotiate with your insurance company. They are experienced in dealing with insurance companies and know how to advocate for your rights as a policyholder.
  • A public adjuster can help save you time and stress. Filing an insurance claim can be a time-consuming and stressful process. However, a public adjuster can handle all the details for you. This allows you to focus on other important matters.

Get help from Your Large Loss Adjuster on your insurance claim

Are you a property owner dealing with property damage from a recent disaster? The process of filing an insurance claim and navigating the reimbursement process can be overwhelming and confusing. This is where Your Large Loss Adjuster comes in.

Your Large Loss Adjuster is a team of experienced public adjusters. We are dedicated to helping property owners like you get the compensation they deserve for their property damage. Our team understands the importance of getting your property back to normal as quickly as possible, and we will work with you every step of the way to ensure your claim is handled efficiently and effectively.

We document all damages and use that information to negotiate with your insurance company to get you the maximum settlement possible. Our team has the knowledge and expertise to ensure that no detail is overlooked and that you are not taken advantage of by the insurance company.

Don’t let the insurance company dictate the outcome of your claim. Trust the experts at Your Large Loss Adjuster to help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Call us to learn more about how we can help you navigate the claims process and get your property back to normal. Don’t wait any longer, take action now and let Your Large Loss Adjuster help you get the most out of your insurance claim.

Related: I’m Dissatisfied With The Insurance Company’s Initial Payout: What Now?

Why is my Property Damage Claim Taking So Long to Process?

Experiencing property damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Whether it’s from a hurricane, natural disaster, or an accident, the last thing you want to deal with is a long and drawn-out insurance claim process. Unfortunately, this is a common frustration among property owners who are trying to get their property repaired or replaced. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why property damage claims can take so long to process and what you can do to speed up the process. From understanding the claims process to knowing your rights as a policyholder, we’ll provide valuable information to help you navigate the often-complex world of insurance claims. So, if you’re wondering why your property damage claim is taking so long to process, read on for some helpful insights.

Why is my insurance claim taking so long to process?

Filing an insurance claim can be a nightmare. Unfortunately, insurance companies are notorious for delaying and slowing down the claim process for their own benefit. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common reasons why insurance companies may be delaying or slowing down your insurance claim, and how they are exploiting their customers.

Lack of proper documentation and Insufficient information

One of the most common reasons for delays in the insurance claim process is the lack of proper documentation or enough information to process the claim. Insurance companies use this as an excuse to delay the process; even if the documents you have provided are enough, they will try to ask for more unnecessary documents to waste your time and further delay your claim and their need to make a payment for your damages and repairs.

Unclear policy coverage

Insurance companies may delay the claim process if the policy coverage is unclear. They will use this as an excuse not to pay the claim, and they will try to find any loophole in the policy to avoid paying you the claim.

Reasons for insurance claim delays

Difficulty in determining the cause of damage

Insurance companies may delay the claim process if they are unable to determine the cause of the damage. They use this as an excuse not to pay the claim, and they will try to investigate the cause of the damage as much as they can to find any reason not to pay you the claim.

Difficulty in determining the value of the damage

Insurance companies may also be taking so long to process your claim if they are unable to determine the value of the damage. They will use this as an excuse to undervalue your claim, and they will try to find the cheapest way to repair your damages and pay you the least amount possible.

It is important to remember that insurance companies are for-profit businesses, and they will do whatever it takes to save their money. They will use any excuse possible to delay or slow down the claim process. As a property owner, it is important to be persistent and aggressive in following up on your claim.

Common Questions

As a property owner, it can be incredibly frustrating to deal with insurance companies when trying to file a claim. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for insurance companies to drag their feet or slow down the claims process for various reasons. Here are some common questions that property owners may have when dealing with a delayed or slow-moving insurance claim:

Why is my claim taking so long to process?

Insurance companies may be understaffed or overwhelmed with claims, causing delays. They may also be intentionally dragging their feet in the hopes that you’ll give up on your claim.

Why is my claim being denied?

Insurance companies may be looking for any excuse to deny your claim, even if it’s not a valid reason. They may also be using fine print in your policy to deny your claim.

Why am I being asked for so much documentation?

Insurance companies may be asking for excessive documentation in an attempt to delay the process or find a reason to deny your claim.

Why am I being offered a low settlement?

Insurance companies may be trying to lowball you in order to save money. They may also be trying to pressure you into accepting a low settlement to avoid a drawn-out claims process.

Why am I being told my policy doesn’t cover the damage?

Insurance companies may be trying to use the fine print in your policy to deny your claim. They may also be interpreting your policy in a way that doesn’t cover the damage.


Are you tired of dealing with insurance companies that are taking so long to process your insurance claim? Are you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the process, and unsure of how to get the compensation you deserve? If so, it may be time to consider hiring a public adjuster to negotiate with your insurance company on your behalf.

A public adjuster is a professional who specializes in working with insurance companies to ensure that policyholders receive the full compensation they are entitled to. They have the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complex and often confusing world of insurance claims, and can help you get the results you need.

Here are just a few reasons why hiring a public adjuster can be incredibly beneficial when dealing with an insurance company that is delaying or slowing down your claim:

Public adjusters know the ins and outs of the insurance industry.

They understand the policies, procedures, and regulations that insurance companies must follow, and can use that knowledge to your advantage. They can quickly identify any issues or red flags that may be causing delays in your claim, and can take steps to address them.

Public adjusters can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.

They know how to communicate effectively with insurance adjusters and can advocate for your rights and interests. They can also help you to understand your policy and the coverage that you are entitled to, so that you can make informed decisions about your claim.

Public adjusters can help you to gather and document the necessary evidence to support your claim.

They have the skills and experience to accurately estimate the value of your damages. They can help you to present your case clearly and convincingly.

Public adjusters can help you to avoid common mistakes that can delay or deny your claim.

They can help you to avoid common pitfalls. These can include missing deadlines or failing to provide the necessary documentation. They can also help you to avoid making statements that may be used against you in the future.

Public adjusters can help you to get a fair settlement.

Insurance companies have their own bottom lines and will try to settle for as little as possible. A public adjuster will work for you to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.

Hire Your Large Loss Adjuster when your insurance company is taking too long to process your claim

Are you a property owner who has recently filed an insurance claim, but feel like you’re not getting the settlement you deserve? Are you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to navigate the claims process? Look no further, because Your Large Loss Adjuster is here to help!

At Your Large Loss Adjuster, we are a public adjusting firm that specializes in fighting for our customers to get the settlement they deserve. We understand that dealing with insurance claims can be a daunting task, which is why we want to take the burden off of your shoulders and handle it for you.

We will work closely with you to ensure that your claim is handled properly and that you receive the maximum settlement possible. Our experienced team has a proven track record of success. They’ve helped countless property owners just like you get the settlements they deserve.

Don’t let insurance companies take advantage of you. Let Your Large Loss Adjuster fight for your rights and help you get the settlement you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help you.